• Weaving with perfection, passion, and love for the fiber arts.

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Alan Luckey, an educator, engineer, builder, musician, author, and artisan, has a life-time of experience discovering innovative solutions to every-day challenges. He invented the Weaver’s Perfect Memory for his partner in life, Rhonda, who longed for a new, simple yet elegant way to track her progress on the treadling and warp threading drafts.

As a higher education administrator, Rhonda dedicated her working life to the development and education of thousands of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) students and alumni. Now retired, she is spreading her deep fiber art roots, with light and love. Enfoldme Fiber Design features Rhonda’s work. Rhonda is dedicated to honing her weaving skills. As a member of several fiberart organizations and guilds, she is forever inspired by the creativity of the vibrant community of fiber artists.

Alan and Rhonda are passionate about serving the community of fiber artists and specifically weavers, through their work with the Weaver’s Perfect Memory.

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